Required Reading Q&A

Conversations with Robots: Voice, Smart Agents & the Case for Structured Content

What is the difference between structured content and semantic HTML?

Structured content is a collection of interwoven chunks of content resources which are explicitly related and anticipated to be suitable for various interfaces. Semantic HTML communicates information about the relationships between those interwoven elements. It is recognized by algorithms easily and its presentation is also interpretable by people.

How do they work together?

These elements work together to allow for data to be accessible both visually and digitally through algorithmic interpretation.

Why is it important to have structured content and semantic HTML in your web pages?

Without the meaningful chunks catered to each specific audience, the HTML used to express it would not be as readable both by human eye or machine and vice versa. And without the semantic HTML that communicates the relationships between this meaningful information, various interfaces would not be able to interpret it perhaps via voice search.

Banishing Your Inner Critic

Denise Jacobs argues that we all have a troll-like inner critic. Of the methods she identifies to banish this troll, which would be most successful for you? Why?

Challenging my inner critic to evaluate the validity of my negative self-talk would be most successful for me in banishing my personal troll. I often realize after reflecting that the flaws that I project unto my actions and ideas are foundationless and incorrect. Questioning that inner voice would urge me to expose the crassness of critiques and to curb them before they go too far.


In David McRaney's article, what is "hyperbolic discounting"? List one method McRaney identifies to counteract hyperbolic discounting. Which would work best for you?

McRaney elaborates upon “hyperbolic discounting” by stating that the future is an easy place to dump commitments. Those who use hyperbolic discounting burden their future selves with ill decisions, creating a preference for small instantaneous rewards rather than larger later ones. A method that McRaney identifies to counteract this tendency is to acknowledge procrastination as an issue and to set specific deadlines, challenging the now you because the future you cannot be trusted. This method would work for me because typically when I create a list or deadline that clearly details what I need to complete and by when, I am more successful and hold myself accountable.

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